Usman Jameel
Junior Developer

I am Junior Developer at Eiger Trading Advisors Ltd and also a Computer Science Graduate at Queen Mary Univeristy London. More recently, I have completed my Final Year Project which uses state-of-the-art face detection and recognition algorithms to record student's attendance on a web application.
1998Born in Manchester, U.K.
2020Software Engineering Placement at Lloyd's Bank, London, U.K.
2022Completed Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science at Queen Mary Univeristy London (QMUL), London, U.K.
2022Junior Developer at Eiger Trading Advisors Ltd, Surrey, U.K.
- PythonJavaHTMLCSSJavaScriptReactFlaskDjangoMySQLMongoDBMATLABOpenCVPyTorchHADOOPApache Spark
Music, Photography, Cars, Roadtrips, Hiking, Cricket